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lowes kids workshop 2024 schedule
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Get Ready for the 2024 Lowe's Kids Workshop!

Get Ready for the 2024 Lowe's Kids Workshop!
Lowes Kids Workshop 2024 Schedule

Lowe’s Kids Workshop is a free program that provides hands-on building activities for children ages 4-12. The workshops are held on Saturdays at Lowe’s stores across the country. In 2024, the workshops will be held on the following dates:

January 13: Build a Birdhouse February 10: Build a Toolbox March 10: Build a Planter Box April 14: Build a Picture Frame May 12: Build a Toy Car June 9: Build a Lemonade Stand July 14: Build a Kite August 11: Build a Windsock September 8: Build a Bird Feeder October 13: Build a Pumpkin Carving Kit November 10: Build a Turkey December 8: Build a Gingerbread House

Each workshop includes all the materials needed to build the project, and the projects are designed to be easy and fun for kids of all ages.